Ren peaking over my sholder
This is my Green Iguana Ren, she is so cute. At first she had a friend stempy, but do to a lack of calcium and good food stempy broke bouth front legs. Ren was so sad to loose her companion, but she managed to live on. She was orignaly owned by my brother and his wife for about 6 months. Then as they were required to move by the military, they gave her to me as a gift. Thats where me and Ren's friendship began.

Ren was a verry quiet baby, did not wake me up at 2 in the morning or anything. Like most baby green iguanas, Ren was bright green, liked to eat, was relitivly calm, and had no teath. Ren spent 99.9% of the first 3 years of her life in doors. At the age of 3 she became a woman or at lease was no longer concerned a juvinile iguana.
Crawling acrost a lucky girls head
Ren huggs her heat rock
Baby Ren, so cute at 2 years old

Ren started growing fast upon leaving the juvinile stage, I was amazed. Her home changed from a fish aqarium, to a full on teraireuam "the size of a jacket clost". She gradgualy started leaving her home as well, now she roams around her room when ever she wants, looking out the window climbing on top of her teraireuam. She has managed to throw a few fits and get in to a bit of trouble around the house, but what kid growing up dosent make trouble.
Measuring Ren on moms sewing table
Ren chilling pool side

I recently got Ren an iguana lead&harness, "i guess lead is a leash". For the first time she got to touch the ground out side, it is a great thing. At first she hated it, puting it on taking it off just having it on. Now that she sees it means she is going to the park where she can run through the grass, climb trees, ect she loves it. I like it to, it makes me feel safe taking her places. I like to show her off. Just walking down the street with her on my sholder has almost caused a few car accidents! Really. Generally, most people are amazed by her, some people are scared thow. Some people think she is really ugly, I think she is beautyful.
Ren walking at the park
Me and ren at the park
Ren will get about two times this size
Ren got tired of running
Ren loves this tree, she can climb it easy
Me and ren in my favorite tree